Aaron Flaherty
Aaron “Flaz”, fell in love with CrossFit after his first workout (“Helen”, heavily scaled) in 2014 when he thought he was Rich Froning and was going to the games (He was not). He has a background in competitive sport at a representative level (Cricket, Soccer & Rugby League). Flaz developed a love for coaching & helping others and is certified as a Level 3 Crossfit Trainer to best support our community. He is also passionate about nutrition, not only to help others, but also to manage his Type 1 Diabetes.
Chantal Cali
Chantal developed a love of sport and fitness mainly influenced by her Dad. She started in health as an ICU nurse and moved into a preventative health vocation as a PT 8 years ago. She has since received qualifications as a Level 1 Strength & Conditioning coach and Weightlifting coach. Chantal has enjoyed training and competing in CrossFit and Bodybuilding the last 6 years.
Kylie Williamson
Kylie was new to strength and conditioning training when she started CrossFit in 2012. She quickly realised the benefits of CrossFit and the difference it could have made in her life if she had found it earlier. As a mother of two teenage kids, Kylie now combines two of her passions, CrossFit and kids, and coaches our highly successful CrossFit Teens program. Kylie hopes to instil a love of health and fitness in the teens she trains.
Alex Curtis
CrossFit was first introduced to Alex “Coach Buzz” in 2012 whilst serving as an aircraft technician in the Australian army. Alex very quickly took to CrossFit due to the skill and technicality of the movements required across the multiple disciplines involved. Outside of training Alex loves being in the outdoors, watching rugby union and eating.
Christian Tatnall
Christian has always had a love of sports and physical activity, playing AFL through school and beyond. He studied outdoor recreation and health at Swinburne TAFE in Melbourne and then, after moving to Sydney, discovered road running, adventure racing, obstacle racing, mountain biking to name a few before being introduced to CrossFit in 2014. One of CFNB’s premier masters athletes Christian is constantly improving his skill set through dedicated training, competition and study of the CrossFit methodology and says the mix of individual pursuit and the team environment combined with the sense of achievement and improvement is what gets him up at 0430 each morning to come in and help his fellow members get the most out of their session.
Elora McLeod
Elora’s fitness journey started with soccer at a representative level from a young age and continued through high school, when she also played local club rugby 7’s. Elora has been a personal trainer and group coach since 2019. She discovered CrossFit at the beginning of 2023 and fell in love with it because of the variety it offers. Since then, Elora has attained her Level 1 certification and her passion for coaching continues to grow within the CrossFit community.
Jhoven de Jesus
As a health professional working in a busy hospital, Jho has seen many health issues across his long career and is passionate about maintaining fitness and a healthy lifestyle across all ages. Jho’s fitness journey started with basketball through high school and into his later years. Although he’s retired from the sport, he still spends many days through the week at the local stadium coaching and attending his daughter’s games but can also be seen at soccer with his son. With a background of capoeira, Jho has a keen interest in martial arts. His main passion now is CrossFit which he commenced in 2015 and attained his Level 1 certification in 2021. Jho loves engaging with his CrossFit community and looks forward to a ‘crispy’ post WOD high 5!
High-Quality Gym Equipment
Our facility is equipped with a wide range of equipment to support your fitness journey, including Concept 2 rowers, bikes, and ski ergs, Rogue Echo bikes, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and two rigs for all your gymnastics and strength needs.
Exceptional Features and Amenities
At CrossFit New Beginning, we offer up to 9 classes per day with two distinct programs per class. Our daily Sweat program and core CrossFit program, designed by PRVN, encompass weightlifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular training, and both traditional and functional strength training. Each class includes a comprehensive warm-up, mobility exercises, and an optional coach-led stretch session afterward, ensuring you have everything you need to achieve your strength and fitness goals.